
Dental Implants

General Dentist located in Galleria area, Houston, TX

Dental Implants

Missing one or more of your teeth can make chewing and speaking difficult and also cause embarrassment about your smile. At the office of Heather M. Wilmore, DDS, dental implants are available as an alternative to bridges and dentures. Dr. Wilmore uses durable dental implants to revitalize your smile, improve your bite, and protect your long-term jaw health. Call the Houston, Texas, office to schedule a consultation for dental implants or book an appointment online today. 

Dental Implants Q & A

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are artificial teeth that replace one or more of your natural teeth lost to decay or injury. The artificial teeth attach to a titanium post that fuses with your jawbone to provide long-lasting results.

Dr. Wilmore provides dental implant restorations in-office as an alternative to dentures and other temporary tooth replacement options. She customizes your implants to ensure they fit properly and look great. 

Are dental implants right for me?

Missing teeth can cause your remaining teeth to shift out of place and negatively impact the health of your jaw. Without a healthy tooth, your jawbone can break down prematurely and lead to persistent pain and other dental complications.

You might be a candidate for dental implants if you’re missing one or multiple teeth and have difficulties biting, chewing, or speaking.

Dr. Wilmore completes an oral health exam to determine if dental implants are right for you. Because she implants titanium posts into your jaw to anchor the artificial teeth in place, Dr. Wilmore must ensure you have the adequate bone structure to support each post.

What can I expect when getting dental implants?

During your initial dental implant consultation, Dr. Wilmore completes an oral health exam and takes dental X-rays to assess your jawbone health. She also takes measurements of your mouth that a medical lab uses to create your dental implants.

You schedule another appointment for dental surgery, so Dr. Wilmore can implant the titanium posts into your jawbone. Over time, your jawbone naturally fuses with the posts to anchor them into place.

Healing after surgery can take several months before Dr. Wilmore can attach a crown, bridge, or denture to the posts. The artificial teeth resemble the shape and color of your natural teeth, so no one can tell you have the restorations.

You care for your dental implants like your natural teeth by flossing and brushing daily. At your routine dental checkups, Dr. Wilmore ensures your dental implants are in good condition and functioning properly. She can also repair or replace damaged implants when necessary.

Call the office of Heather M. Wilmore, DDS, to schedule a consultation for dental implants, or book an appointment online today.